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List of Articles.

Reagan Library
Aquarium Of the Pacific
November 28 2014

Reagan Library
Reagan Library
November 30 2014

October 2014
October 2014
Ottobre 2014

Wgire Sands NM 2014
Patton Museum
White Sands National Monument.
Sedona AZ

Devils Tower 2014
Devils Tower. WY
Agosto 12 2014

Jan 2022-Dec

Dicembre 2021
December 2021
Decemner 2021

Carlsbad Caverns (October 12th 2014) Carlsbad Cav.
Today we are on our way to see Carlsbad Caverns National Park in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico. Our first stop on the way to the caverns was the George S. Pattom Memorial Museum at Chiriaco Summit off Highway 10 near Indio, both Mayra and I found it interesting and informative, I was surprised to see how interested Mom was about everthing on display at the museum. Next stop was Casa Grande in Coolidge, Arizona, also interesting, for me anyway. We spent the night at the LaQuinta inn inn Tucson AZ.

Baptism (July 6th 2014) Baptism
Today, July 6th 2004 at St. Dominic Savio Catholic Church Three of our grandchildren, Anthony and Luca Chirco, Julian Choi along with Gianna Saab received the Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the seven sacraments. It is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation, the other two being the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Once baptized, they became members of the Church. Anthony’s godparents are Mike and Valeria, Julian’s godparents, Vitina and Mark and Luca’s Deanna and Mike. Both Mayra and I are elated to have all four of our grand-children baptized and look forward to share with them our religion, culture, family and traditions. God, parents and time permitting.

Science Center (June 8th 2014) Long Beach
I haven’t had the oppurtunity to visit Pompeii, so when the California Science Center decided to bring some of the itams found there to Los Angeles, I along with Mayra, Carola, George, Elizabeth and John decided to go and visit this very interesting display. The exhibit showed how a large population center with an fully functional economic and social system can within hours, simply be destroyed by natural events completely beyond control of man. Very sobering. Researchers believe that the town was founded in the seventh or sixth century BC and was captured by the Romans in 80 BC. By the time of its destruction, 160 years later, its population was probably approximately 20,000, and the city had a complex water system, an amphitheatre, gymnasium and a port.

Long Beach (June 8th 2014) Long Beach
Today I went on a beautiful and fun boat ride to Long Beach with Mark and Anthony. Once at the shoreline Village we walked around to see some of the wild life, pellicans, sea gulls, crabs etc.. We also got to see some fantastic views of the Long Beach Harbor and had fun walking around every tree I and Anthony encountered along the way to the lighthouse. Thank Anthony for taking me along on this trip and for wanting to be n’coddu with me,

Alessandro weds Antonella (April 27 2014) April 2014
Today April 27 in a ceremony a attended by family and friends, Antonella Chirco and Alessandro Biundo where married at the Embassy Swites in Downey.
Officiating the ceremony was Mark A. Chirco, Antonella's cousin and friend of Alessandro. After the ceremony there was dinner and dancing where everyone had a truly great time with the festivities lasting until past midnight.
Alessandro and Antonella made a beautiful couple and we wish both of them a long and happy life together. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Alessandro into our family, he is an energetic fun and sensitive person who is a pleasure to have with us.